Project Coordinator: Maurice Héral (IFREMER, France) email:
Scientific Coordinator: Denis Bailly (UBO, France) e-mail:
Node 1: Science and Policy Interface Methodology WP 1: Stakeholders and Policy Mapping: Jean-Paul Vanderlinden (UVSQ, France) email: WP 2: Economic Assessment: David Hadley (UEA/CSERGE, UK) email:
Node 2: System Approach Framework Methodology WP 3: System Design: Paul Tett (NUE, UK) email: WP 4: System Formulation: Cedric Bacher (IFREMER, France) email: WP 5: System Appraisal: Marta Estrada (CSIC, Spain) email: WP 6: System Output: Anne Mette (KNMG, Germany) email:
Node 3: Study Sites Activities Contact details of each SSA is available at Study Site Applications
Node 4: Model Support WP 8: Model Support: Jean-Luc de Kok (VITO, Belgium) email: WP 9: SAF Information Management Plan: Hans-Joachim Wallrabe-Adams (Uni-HB, Germany) email: WP 10: Alternative Strategies: Laura Giordano (IAMC-CNR) email: WP 11: Communication and Dissemination: Maria Ferreira (EUCC-MC) email:
Node 5: Knowledge Transfer Work Package 12: Academic Training: Alice Newton (UALG, Portugal) email: Work Package 13: Professional Training: Hance Smith (CU, UK) email:
Full list, location map and contact of SPICOSA partners available at SPICOSA Partners